
Monday, April 11, 2011

How to chain saw a log window opening and the end of a log

PATRIOT Log Home builders uses the Makita saw 16 1/2 blade takes skill and strength and care as its use is/or can be dangerous! The blade is exposed ! This saw should ONLY BE USED BY A PROFESSIONAL !!!!

Mike HOmpertz of Patriot Log Home builders

Using a standard Chain Saw to cut a D shape 8 x 8 Tulip Poplar log
A technique that Mike f Patriot Log Home Builders uses is, when he stacks the logs, rather than cut them to size, i.e. cut them to the length of the window opening, he finds the closest log and lets them hang threw, then after the stack he cuts threw , after marking the side of the window opening and in one full sweep cuts the opening. This takes skill and a steady arm.

Mike cutting with the large Makita 16 1/2 inch saw

Using the preferred Makita saw, Jeremy with Patirot Log home Builders shows how to saw the end of a log during the Kentucky log stack of Grizzly Tulip poplar

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tulip poplar log stack in Kn April

Mike HOmpertz of Patriot Log Home Builders went to Kentucky to do the log stack on the Grizzly package, a home just under 3000 square feet.

Log stack~ look at the progress in just 3 days!
Effective use of time and dedication

Tulip poplar is a heavier and more dense wood than pine and cedar. It is 50 % heavier than both. The advantages would include more thermal mass, leading to a more solid and sturdy home with additional wind/weather Resistance including earthquake , tornado and hurricanes

Tulip Poplar more Weather Resistant 

Tulip Poplar- 50 % heavier than pine or cedar .
Patriot log home builders moves tonnage!!
Each log average  16 feet long and  weighs about 150 to 300 pounds each, these were  placed on the sub-floor by the forklift then individually cut, moved and set by hand. On this  semi load of logs it carried s 8 skids, each skids which  holds about   25  logs per skid or about 20 tons of logs
Patriot moved 27 tons in just 8 days! The garage was full log as well.  This requires endurance and strength, Patriot worked an average of 9  hours per day(excluding breaks)  and worked straight threw. This is the type of dedication you will receive when Patriot Log Home Builders shows up to build your home.  This print called for a 13 log stack, however with Patriots thrift in cutting the material and the log management with layout, additional logs were available and with negotiation with sales of Grizzly an additional course was added.

Why  use a professional to stack your logs ?
This is not the place to try to save Money , hire a specialist, it is NOT suggested to use a stick framer or general carpenter to stack your logs, it requires special tools and skill . Do not let them learn how to do this on your home, you will be sorry.
  • Your house is forever
  • Do you want to gamble with an unskilled laborer?
  • Number  1 problem , walls out of plum! Serious issue !
  •  Missed gaskets (not air tight)
  • More waste of time and material  and your money !
  • walls out of plum effect house home, it will show up EVERYWHERE , your doors, interior walls, trim and roof framing.

    What if my log stack is out of plum ? How can I fix it ? 
    The only thing you can do , is take it down and re-stack it . This time hire a professional, the money is well spent.

    patriot log home builders log stack Grizzly logs in Kentucky

    Patriot Log Home Builders
    Just back this morning from Kentucky after putting up the log stack on D shaped Tulip poplar just under 3000 square feet with attached full log garage . Beautiful Tulip poplar, this log stack took 8 days while the homeowner chipped in. True to the custom of Patriot Log Home Builders had the homeowner Tim  set the first log and he was filmed in the process. The stack went smooth as the product was exceptional.

    Mike Thinking it out , having some fun!

    Randal fastening the first row logs to sub floor with log screws

    Day One tools and material getting prepared

    Nice view out back of log home pond and river !

    Homeowner and Jeremy getting ready to put down first log

    foam double row on top of each tongue for insulation  and sealing

    Homeowner putting in log screw on header of door opening

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    Rustic Tulip poplar 

    Must Hurry for Spring Delivery!
    We have a few kits on clearance!  Check out cabin specials! 
    Call our Sales Agents for Specials!
    Let us show you how to build wealth & not debt!
    Great investment opportunities available!
    Deals for multiple home purchases for investors!
    Grizzly Log Homes Mid West 608 547 4129